Jul 1, 2009


Hi guys,
we have a few new upcoming projects that we would like to share, those are:

PICTURE PERFECT the fund raising event for Jakarta's unseen kids (street kids)

SEPOELOEH project (voluntary work for UPH students) for Yayasan PAUD (Pendidikan Anak Usia Dasar)

this is an event that we are working closely with a few amazing individuals; Adinda Harsono and Ardika Pradnya. It's about raising money for the unseen children of Jakarta. We are very passionate about this cause. As you all know, Jakarta is not an easy city to live, especially if your living on less than 5k rupiah a day. Donation from the entry fee will go specifically to food and drinks (nasi bungkus and aqua) for the children, as we think this is the most beneficial and personal way to go!

A few wonderful photographs will be shown from the finest! Featuring Aditya Kok, Arseto Adiputra, Grace Gunawan, Putra Tjokroadisoerjo and many more!

And what’s a party without music? Presenting Adisti Bremanti on the piano, Big Tommy on saxophone and Rendy on percussion and other guest musicians!! They will carry out acoustics
nu jazz/ groove tunes for ears to enjoy

This is event is open for selected public, you just need to inform us through facebook,
and we'll send you the invitation for you. This is for security reasons. :) I hope you will join this event.

Lets put the FUN in FUND RAISING!


This is event are made for Yayasan PAUD's selected staff. The staff in the organization works voluntarily (not paid). For a change they will be getting a training in the art of flower arrangements. AHA works closely with www.iyoushop.com and Sweethings Inspiring Flower Florist in this project.

We can't wait for the days we'll be doing this project!!

We'll be updating these events with reports and pictures!

wish us luck!

love AHA

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